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Why No Crickets?

We do not carry or sell crickets. Sorry, we only carry and sell what we can breed ourselves and we are not “doing crickets”.

I am going to ‘borrow’ from articles we have read on crickets. To see the originals, check out the links at the bottom of this blog.

  • Crickets are noisy -chirping and other assorted noises = big pain in ears

  • Crickets are messy -just plain yucky

  • Crickets escape -and live in your house chirping away and driving you crazy as you look for them

  • Crickets die easily – You buy crickets for a week’s supply and before you can feed them out half die, makes the remainder more expensive when you lose half your investment

  • Crickets bite back – Crickets can bite the very animals you feed them to causing sores and other problems

  • Crickets can carry other parasites -Even the best cared for cricket colony can become infected with pin worms and other parasites that can harm your pet

  • Crickets can be hard to raise - If they get a bit over crowded, they start eating each other, yum.

  • Crickets not that nutritious - There are other options out there that provide better nutrition for your pets.

  • Crickets can be hard to handle – They are not hard as in dangerous, but rather in catching and feeding them out.

In conclusion, with the other, (we think) better options out there, we do not ‘do’ crickets.

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