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New Sales Available !

About The Looney Lunches 

The Looney Lunches, located in Ritzville WA, provides reptile food to the Central Washington Basin area.

 The Looney Lunches currently has frozen rodents in various sizes, meal worms, super worms, Dubia roaches, red runner roaches, and limited quantities of other roaches for both food and pets. We have nymph hissing roaches (for food) and the full sized Hissing roaches, usually kept as pets although they can also be fed to larger reptiles. 

But we do not carry crickets. The roaches provide a cleaner, easier and usually a more nutritious alternative to crickets.

 For the smallest critters, the little frogs or baby lizards we have tiny Dubia roach and red runner nymphs

 Always looking to expand, we need to hear from customers as to what is needed in the reptile food lines and also in tropical fish foods.

Although located in Ritzville right off I90 and Hwy 395, if you are not going through on your way to someplace else, we can deliver to the surrounding areas. There is a small delivery fee to help offset gas prices, but much less than ordering online.

 As Lunches is a ‘home based business’ we do not have set hours. Text or call (leave message) at 1-509-217-0572 and we will get back to you as soon as we can. The Contact page here has an e-mail link and the phone number again. Also we have a Facebook page, The Looney Lunches. You can also contact us through there.

  As we are a small retail shop, large orders may have to be special ordered. We just can not carry the stock to fill really big orders at this time.

  For payment, we do take cards through Pay-Pal, Please see more information on ordering page. (Coming soon) Our orders are not shipped, but either you can either pick up or we can deliver to local area. Fees do apply on delivery to offset gas prices.


Monday - Friday: 10AM -6PM Please Call

Sunday-Saturday: By appointment Until 6PM

If need something in an emergency during other times, contact us and will see what can do.

Please call, text or e-mail  Go to contact page for more information

Please go to our contact page at top of site!

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