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Welcome Back to the Looney Blog

Welcome to “The Looney Blog”

One of the main things we would like to do is help others with their reptiles. We do not claim to know everything about reptiles, or even a small portion of the information on them. But we do know the basics and can look up information on them. Hopefully, this can become a place to ask and answer questions, to learn more about what is needed to keep your reptiles healthy and happy.

There are many different ideas out there so do not just get 1 or even 2 sources, but rather as many as can find, then compare them, see which makes the most ’common’ sense. If you talk to the ‘in the know’ reptile people, even they say that you cannot know everything about all the animals, or usually even a portion about a specific animal. Each is a learning experience and the only thing that is the same is that they are all different. The animals are individuals and sometimes what works for one of a species won’t help another, but gives a good place to start.

Information on housing, diet, lighting, heat, these are all things that usually do not change from animal to animal of same species. Well, diet can, some that are supposed to like vegetables seem to want their bugs more, but gives one a place to start. Knowing what to feed, and as important what to not feed, is a big part of keeping healthy animals.

With all that said, we would like to see this blog become a place to discuss reptile information. From tips on housing, feeding, handling and other “stuff” to the fun, the silly, and the heartbreak comes with keeping animals of any kind.

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To contact us please either message from there, from the link at top of this page or message at 509-217-0572. If you voice call, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Next Blog - Why No Crickets

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